Getting Started with Estate Planning
Here’s the Help You Need
Do you really need estate planning?
If you’re asking the question, you probably already know the answer. Of course, you need estate planning!
Estate planning is the only way to take control and protect your family if the unthinkable happens.
What would happen if you were to die tomorrow or if you were seriously injured in an accident? Do you really think that your family will be protected and your wishes will be honored? If you don’t have an estate plan, how could anyone be certain what you want?
I know that moving forward with your estate planning can be difficult. You have to deal with the possibility of your death or other terrible events. The process seems confusing. Sometimes, the decisions are complex and deeply personal. You have to make some really tough choices. Is it really worth the effort?
Because of these uncertainties, many people find that it’s easy to put off doing their estate planning. Maybe they want to wait until the holidays are over, or until the kids are out of the house, or until their portfolio reaches a certain level — then they’ll have time to sort out the questions about estate planning. Or maybe they think that it’s much ado over nothing, and that estate planning is for someone else. Or maybe they think that they’re indestructible and that they aren’t going to die. (Good luck with that last train of thought.)
Six reasons to get off the fence.
The obvious problem with waiting is “What if . . . ?”
- You wait too long and something happens to you?
- It’s your wife and kids who have to put their lives back together after your unexpected death?
- You and your spouse are both suddenly gone, and there’s a fight among the families about what’s best for your children?
- It’s your wife or mother who has to go to court for authority to make health care decisions for you or to pay the bills because you can’t do it yourself?
- The person you care about most in this world is denied a voice in your care or burial?
- It’s your mother or father who’s lost contact with reality and needs your immediate help and protection?
These “What ifs,” and the many more that you can think of, can all be taken care of by sitting down and doing your estate planning now.
Sure, you can play the odds and wait a little longer. But why?
– See more at:
What Now? You’ve Got Options
If you want more information
please investigate the articles and blog posts on this site
The following will answer many of your questions:
- Estate Planning 101 – A Tutorial
- Essential Estate Planning Documents
- Estate Planning – Step-by-Step
- Wills For Free
If you have a general question,
please send me a note. Your question will probably be on the minds of others, and I’ll try to answer you or create a blog post which answers your question.
We do not share or sell any personal information. Please read our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for more information.Chicago Estate Planning is located at 180 N LaSalle, Suite 2650, Chicago, IL
Contact John
30+ Years Experience.
Personal Planning.
Plain English.

Committed to simplifying your estate planning. Let's work together to achieve
peace of mind.
John Varde, Attorney
180 N LaSalle St., Suite 2650
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Get Started Today
If you’re ready to take the next step, download the free Confidential Estate Planning Questionnaire