How to explain your wishes about Life-Sustaining Treatments
Most people have thought about how they would like to die or how they would react if their death was imminent. Many find it difficult to talk about their views and to explain their choices to their loved ones and doctors.
Read MoreWhy do I need an Advance Care Directive?
It seems like the advances in medicine can keep us alive forever. Take Terri Schiavo, machines kept her alive for 15 years. During that time, because her wishes were not in writing, her family fought over her care. During that time, her brain literally withered away.
Read MoreThere’s a NEW Power of Attorney for Health Care for 2016
One of the most important documents that anyone can sign is a Power of Attorney for Health Care. It allows you to choose a person to speak for you, if you cannot express your wishes regarding your medical decisions.
Read MoreInstructions for Signing the 2016 Illinois Power of Attorney for Health Care
The new 2016 Illinois Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for Health Care (“POAHC”) was designed to be “user-friendly” and allow Illinois residents to execute it without the necessity of hiring an attorney. Although I strongly recommend that you meet with an attorney before signing any legal document (including a POAHC), I have provided the […]
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Contact John
30+ Years Experience.
Personal Planning.
Plain English.

Committed to simplifying your estate planning. Let's work together to achieve your
peace of mind.
John Varde, Attorney
180 North LaSalle, Suite 2650
Chicago, Illinois 60601
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