Match the Lyrics! – The Promised Land
Match the Lyrics! Bruce Springsteen is one of my favorite artists. I’m a big fan of Bruce and the E. Street Band, their approach to rock and roll, and the way he weaves the story through a song. There are several recurring themes (like most rock and roll) of love, loss, hope and disappointment. Over […]
Read MoreWhat if I Don’t Have a Will?
What happens if I die and I haven’t done any estate planning? Well, the State of Illinois has a “default” Will for you (called dying “intestate”). The problem is that almost no one would distribute their assets the way that Illinois requires. Without a Will, you’ve lost control of how your family is protected.
Read MoreAdvance Care Directive Regarding Dementia
It’s a tragedy that the medical industry hasn’t made significant progress in the treatment of dementia. Similarly, the legal system has failed to address the complexity involved when dealing with dementia in our health care documents. I have developed an Advanced Care Directive that provides meaningful options for those afflicted with Alzheimer’s or other dementia.
Read MoreHow Do I Protect My Estate Planning Documents?
Congratulations! You’ve spent the time and effort to prepare and finalize your estate planning documents. But, there’s more work to be done. You need to safeguard your documents and ensure that they’re available when needed.
Read MoreDon’t Lose the Tax Break for Charitable Gifts
If you’re taking Required Minimum Distributions from your IRA, and if you’re making donations to charity, then you can CUT YOUR INCOME TAXES FOR 2018!
Read MoreHow do I calculate the RMD for my IRA account?
Well, you turned 70 a little while ago, and the time has finally come. After decades of making contributions to your IRA accounts, and watching them grow in value tax-free, your financial advisor is saying that you must start taking distributions from these retirement accounts (whether you need the funds or not). Why? Because that’s […]
Read MoreIt’s Time to Protect Yourself: Illinois Sets the Rules about Digital Assets.
Act now to assure access to your digital assets if catastrophe strikes. Otherwise, your digital assets and accounts may be lost to your family and loved ones forever.
Read MorePre-Divorce Planning in Illinois
An important, but usually overlooked, aspect of pre-divorce planning is modifying your estate planning documents to correspond with your current situation. The failure to do so can have disastrous results.
Read MoreWe love them like family!
Of course, whenever we say this, we’re talking about our pets. Our pets are totally dependent on us for their survival. They don’t have a safety net if you die or become incapacitated. If you don’t provide for them, your pets will suffer the consequences.
Read MoreEstate Planning 101 — A Tutorial
An Introduction to Estate Planning in Illinois Estate Planning is a broad term that includes making provisions about what you want to happen upon your death or incapacity. Estate Planning involves making decisions regarding how you want to protect your family and who is most capable to carry out your desires. Many people delay doing […]
Read MoreEstate Planning – Step by Step
A Guide to the Estate Planning Process. Estate planning can be easy and straight-forward when you know what’s going to happen. Here are the basic steps.
Read MoreEssential Estate Planning Documents
Old Standbys Will A Will is the traditional form of estate planning. With a Will, you arrange for someone, upon your death, to wrap up your affairs and distribute your remaining property based on your directions. You can also designate guardians for your minor or disabled children. To be valid in Illinois, a Will must […]
Read MoreIs it Time to Review Your Estate Plan?
Your estate planning documents were not designed to be “carved in stone.” As our lives progress, invariably there are changes in our circumstances or changes in the law. These changes may require that you need a corresponding change in your estate plan.
Read MoreDo I need a DNR?
I wrapped up a meeting with a woman who has been my client for many years. Her life had changed, and we revised her will, revocable trust, and powers of attorney. As she left the office, one more question came to her “Do I need a DNR?”
Read MoreInherited IRAs Need Protection
The United States Supreme Court recently decided that an “inherited IRA” was not protected under the Bankrupcy Code and could be used to pay the debts of the beneficiary of the IRA.
Read MoreHow to explain your wishes about Life-Sustaining Treatments
Most people have thought about how they would like to die or how they would react if their death was imminent. Many find it difficult to talk about their views and to explain their choices to their loved ones and doctors.
Read MoreWhy do I need an Advance Care Directive?
It seems like the advances in medicine can keep us alive forever. Take Terri Schiavo, machines kept her alive for 15 years. During that time, because her wishes were not in writing, her family fought over her care. During that time, her brain literally withered away.
Read MoreThere’s a NEW Power of Attorney for Health Care for 2016
One of the most important documents that anyone can sign is a Power of Attorney for Health Care. It allows you to choose a person to speak for you, if you cannot express your wishes regarding your medical decisions.
Read MoreInstructions for Signing the 2016 Illinois Power of Attorney for Health Care
The new 2016 Illinois Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for Health Care (“POAHC”) was designed to be “user-friendly” and allow Illinois residents to execute it without the necessity of hiring an attorney. Although I strongly recommend that you meet with an attorney before signing any legal document (including a POAHC), I have provided the […]
Read MoreWills for Free – Really!
One of the obstacles clients must overcome when they make the decision to do their estate planning is a fear of the cost. This fear is unfounded. If I can show you how to get your estate planning for free, then one major roadblock to protecting your family will be gone (as will one of your reasons to procrastinate).
The reality is that you can probably save more money by having a Will than it costs to prepare your complete estate plan. In other words, your Will is free.
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Contact John
30+ Years Experience.
Personal Planning.
Plain English.

Committed to simplifying your estate planning. Let's work together to achieve your
peace of mind.
John Varde, Attorney
180 North LaSalle, Suite 2650
Chicago, Illinois 60601
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